Namespace DisCatSharp.Enums
- ApplicationDiscoveryEligibilityFlagExtensions
Represents a application discovery flag extensions.
- ApplicationMonetizationEligibilityFlagExtensions
Represents a application monetization eligibility flags extension.
- ApplicationVerificationEligibilityFlagExtensions
Represents an extension for checking application verification eligibility flags.
- AttachmentFlagExtensions
Represents a attachment flag extensions.
- ChannelFlagExtensions
Represents a channel flag extensions.
- DiscordDomain
Represents a discord domain.
- DiscordIntentExtensions
Represents a discord intent extensions.
- DiscordShortlink
Discord short links.
- DomainHelpAttribute
Defines a description and url for this domain.
- EmbedFlagExtensions
Represents a embed flag extensions.
- EventAttribute
Methods marked with this attribute will be registered as event handling methods if the associated type / an associated instance is being registered.
- EventHandlerAttribute
Classes marked with this attribute will be considered for event handler registration from an assembly.
- InviteFlagExtensions
Represents a invite flag extensions.
- MemberFlagExtensions
Represents a member flag extensions.
- MessageFlagExtensions
Represents a message flag extensions.
- OAuth
The oauth scopes.
- PermissionMethods
Represents permission methods.
- PermissionStringAttribute
Defines a readable name for this permission.
- SkuFlagExtensions
Represents a sku flag extensions.
- SpeakingFlagExtensions
Represents a speaking flag extensions.
- SystemChannelFlagsExtension
Represents a system channel flags extension.
- UnfurledMediaFlagExtensions
Represents a unfurled media flag extensions.
- AnimationType
Represents a animation type for voice channel effects.
- ApiChannel
Represents the api channel.
- ApplicationCommandHandlerType
Represents the application command handler types.
- ApplicationCommandIntegrationTypes
Represents the application command integration types.
- ApplicationCommandOptionType
Represents the type of parameter when invoking an interaction.
- ApplicationCommandPermissionType
Represents the type of the application command permission.
- ApplicationCommandType
Represents the type of an DiscordApplicationCommand.
- ApplicationDiscoverabilityState
Represents the application discoverability state.
- ApplicationDiscoveryEligibilityFlags
Represents the application discoverability eligibility flags.
- ApplicationExplicitContentFilter
Represents the explicit content filter level.
- ApplicationFlags
Represents additional details of an application.
- ApplicationInteractionsVersion
Represents the application interactions version.
- ApplicationMonetizationEligibilityFlags
Represents the application monetization eligibility flags.
- ApplicationMonetizationState
Represents the application discoverability state.
- ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataType
Represents the type of an DiscordApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata.
- ApplicationVerificationEligibilityFlags
Represents the verification eligibility flags.
- ApplicationVerificationState
Represents the application verification state (VerifiedBot).
- AttachmentFlags
Represents additional features of a attachment.
- AuditLogActionCategory
Indicates audit log action category.
- AuditLogActionType
Represents type of the action that was taken in given audit log event.
- AutomodActionType
Represent's a rule's action type.
- AutomodEventType
Represent's a rule's flags.
- AutomodKeywordPresetType
Represents a rule's keyword preset types.
- AutomodTriggerType
Represents a rule's content type.
- ButtonStyle
Represents a button's style/color.
- ChannelFlags
Represents a channel's flags.
- ChannelType
Represents a channel's type.
- ComponentType
Represents a type of component.
- ConnectionMetadataVisibilityType
The metadata visibility type of user account connections.
- ConnectionVisibilityType
The visibility type of user account connections.
- CoreDomain
Core Domains
- DefaultMessageNotifications
Represents default notification level for a guild.
- DirectoryCategory
Represents a directory entries primary category type.
- DiscordEvent
All events available in DiscordClient for use with EventAttribute.
- DiscordIntents
Represents gateway intents to be specified for connecting to Discord.
- EmbedFlags
Represents additional features of a embed.
- EntitlementOwnerType
Represents the test entitlement owner type.
- EntitlementType
Represents the entitlement type.
- ExplicitContentFilter
Represents the value of explicit content filter in a guild.
- ForumLayout
Represents the layout for posts in a forum channel.
- ForumPostSortOrder
Represents the default sort order for posts in a forum channel.
- GatewayCompressionLevel
Determines at which level should the WebSocket traffic be compressed.
- HubType
Represents a guilds hub type.
- IframeModalSize
Represents an iFrame's size.
- IntegrationExpireBehavior
Represents the integration expire behavior.
- InteractionCallbackEphemerality
Represents the ephemerality of an interaction callback.
- InteractionContextType
Represents the interaction context type.
- InteractionResponseType
Represents the type of interaction response
- InteractionType
Represents the type of interaction used.
- InviteType
Represents the invite type .
- JoinRequestStatusType
Represents a join request status type.
- LoadingState
Represents the loading state of a URL media resource.
- MemberFlags
Represents additional details of a member account.
- MembershipScreeningFieldType
Represents a membership screening field type.
- MentionType
Type of mention being made
- MessageActivityType
Indicates the type of MessageActivity for the Rich Presence.
- MessageFlags
Represents additional features of a message.
- MessageType
Represents the type of a message.
- MfaLevel
Represents multi-factor authentication level required by a guild to use administrator functionality.
- NewMemberActionType
Represents the new member action type for the server guide.
- NsfwLevel
Represents a guild's content level.
- OAuthScopes
The oauth scopes.
- OnboardingMode
Represents the onboarding mode.
- OtherDomain
Other Domains
- OverwriteType
Represents a channel permission overwrite's type.
- PermissionLevel
Whether a permission is allowed, denied or unset
- Permissions
Bitwise permission flags.
- PlayStyle
Represents the play style of a clan.
- PollLayoutType
Represents the layout type of a poll.
- PremiumTier
Represents a server's premium tier.
- PremiumType
The type of Nitro subscription on a user's account.
- PriceTierType
Represents a price tier type.
- ProductLine
Represents the product line.
- PromptType
Represents the prompt types for onboarding.
- RecurrenceRuleFrequency
Represents the frequency of a scheduled event's recurrence.
- RecurrenceRuleWeekday
Represents the days of the week for scheduling recurrent events.
- ReferenceType
Represents the message reference type.
- RoleFlags
Represents additional details of a role.
- RoleType
Represents the classification of a Discord role.
- RpcApplicationState
Represents the RPC application state.
- ScheduledEventEntityType
Represents the entity type for a scheduled event.
- ScheduledEventStatus
Represents the status for a scheduled event.
- SeparatorSpacingSize
Represents the sperator spacing size of a DiscordSeparatorComponent.
- SkuAccessType
Represents the sku access type.
- SkuFlags
Represents sku flags.
- SkuType
Represents the sku type.
- StoreApplicationState
Represents the store application state.
- SubscriptionStatus
Represents the subscription.
- SystemChannelFlags
Represents settings for a guild's system channel.
- TargetType
Represents the invite type .
- TextComponentStyle
Represents a button's style/color.
- ThreadAutoArchiveDuration
Represents the auto-archive duration for a thread.
- ThreadMemberFlags
Represents notification settings for a thread.
- TimestampFormat
Denotes the type of formatting to use for timestamps.
- TokenType
Represents the token type
- UnfurledMediaFlags
Represents additional features of unfurled media.
- UnusedDomain
Unused Domains
- UserFlags
Represents additional details of a users account.
- VerificationLevel
Represents guild verification level.
- VersionCheckMode
Represents the version check mode.
- VideoQualityMode
Represents the video quality mode of a voice channel. This is applicable to voice channels only.
- WidgetType
Represents the formats for a guild widget.