Table of Contents

Enum InteractionResponseType


Represents the type of interaction response

public enum InteractionResponseType


Pong = 1

Acknowledges a Ping.

ChannelMessageWithSource = 4

Responds to the interaction with a message.

DeferredChannelMessageWithSource = 5

Acknowledges an interaction to edit to a response later. The user sees a "thinking" state.

DeferredMessageUpdate = 6

Acknowledges a component interaction to allow a response later.

UpdateMessage = 7

Responds to a component interaction by editing the message it's attached to.

AutoCompleteResult = 8

Responds to an auto-complete request.

Modal = 9

Responds to the interaction with a modal.

[DiscordInExperiment("Currently in closed beta.")] [Experimental("We provide this type but can't provide support.")] PremiumRequired = 10

Responds to the interaction with a message indicating that a premium subscription is required.


Can only be used if you have an associated application subscription sku.

[DiscordInExperiment("Currently in closed beta.")] [Experimental("We provide this type but can't provide support.")] Iframe = 11

Responds to the interaction with an iframe.


Can only be used if you are whitelisted..