Table of Contents

Enum MessageType


Represents the type of a message.

public enum MessageType


Default = 0

Indicates a regular message.

RecipientAdd = 1

Message indicating a recipient was added to a group direct message or a thread channel.

RecipientRemove = 2

Message indicating a recipient was removed from a group direct message or a thread channel.

Call = 3

Message indicating a call.

ChannelNameChange = 4

Message indicating a group direct message or thread channel rename.

ChannelIconChange = 5

Message indicating a group direct message channel icon change.

ChannelPinnedMessage = 6

Message indicating a user pinned a message to a channel.

GuildMemberJoin = 7

Message indicating a guild member joined. Most frequently seen in newer, smaller guilds.

UserPremiumGuildSubscription = 8

Message indicating a member nitro boosted a guild.

TierOneUserPremiumGuildSubscription = 9

Message indicating a guild reached tier one of nitro boosts.

TierTwoUserPremiumGuildSubscription = 10

Message indicating a guild reached tier two of nitro boosts.

TierThreeUserPremiumGuildSubscription = 11

Message indicating a guild reached tier three of nitro boosts.

ChannelFollowAdd = 12

Message indicating a user followed a news channel.

GuildStream = 13

Message indicating a user is streaming in a guild.

GuildDiscoveryDisqualified = 14

Message indicating a guild was removed from guild discovery.

GuildDiscoveryRequalified = 15

Message indicating a guild was re-added to guild discovery.

GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodInitialWarning = 16

Message indicating that a guild has failed to meet guild discovery requirements for a week.

GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodFinalWarning = 17

Message indicating that a guild has failed to meet guild discovery requirements for 3 weeks.

ThreadCreated = 18

Message indicating a thread was created.

Reply = 19

Message indicating a user replied to another user.

ChatInputCommand = 20

Message indicating an slash command was invoked.

ThreadStarterMessage = 21

Message indicating a new was message sent as the first message in threads that are started from an existing message in the parent channel.

GuildInviteReminder = 22

Message reminding you to invite people to help you build the server.

ContextMenuCommand = 23

Message indicating an context menu command was invoked.

AutoModerationAction = 24

Message indicating the guilds automod acted.

RoleSubscriptionPurchase = 25

Message indicating that a member purchased a role subscription.

InteractionPremiumUpsell = 26


StageStart = 27

Message indicating that a stage started.

StageEnd = 28

Message indicating that a stage ended.

StageSpeaker = 29

Message indicating that a user is now a stage speaker.

StageRaiseHand = 30

Message indicating that a user in a stage raised there hand (Request to speak).

StageTopic = 31

Message indicating that a stage topic was changed.

GuildApplicationPremiumSubscription = 32

Message indicating that a member purchased a application premium subscription.

PrivateChannelIntegrationAdded = 33

Message indicating that a private channel integration was added.

PrivateChannelIntegrationRemoved = 34

Message indicating that a private channel integration was removed.

PremiumReferral = 35

This message is a premium referral.

GuildIncidentAlertModeEnabled = 36

Message indicating that the guild incident alert mode was enabled.

GuildIncidentAlertModeDisabled = 37

Message indicating that the guild incident alert mode was disabled.

GuildIncidentReportRaid = 38

Message indicating that a raid was reported.

GuildIncidentReportFalseAlarm = 39

Message indicating a false alarm was reported.

Poll = 43

Message indicating a poll was created.

PurchaseNotification = 44

Message indicating that a user bought something from the server shop.

PollResult = 46

Message indicating a polls result are in.

ChannelLinkedToLobby = 49

Message indicating that a channel was linked to a lobby.

GiftingPrompt = 50

Message indicating a gifting prompt.

GuildJoinRequestAccepted = 52

Message indicating a guild join request was accepted.

GuildJoinRequestRejected = 53

Message indicating a guild join request was rejected.