Enum Permissions
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.Enums
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Bitwise permission flags.
public enum Permissions : long
- Extension Methods
[PermissionString("No Permissions")] None = 0
Indicates no permissions given.
[PermissionString("All Permissions")] All = CreateInstantInvite | KickMembers | BanMembers | Administrator | ManageChannels | ManageGuild | AddReactions | ViewAuditLog | PrioritySpeaker | Stream | AccessChannels | SendMessages | SendTtsMessages | ManageMessages | EmbedLinks | AttachFiles | ReadMessageHistory | MentionEveryone | UseExternalEmojis | ViewGuildInsights | UseVoice | Speak | MuteMembers | DeafenMembers | MoveMembers | UseVoiceDetection | ChangeNickname | ManageNicknames | ManageRoles | ManageWebhooks | ManageGuildExpressions | UseApplicationCommands | RequestToSpeak | ManageEvents | ManageThreads | CreatePublicThreads | CreatePrivateThreads | UseExternalStickers | SendMessagesInThreads | StartEmbeddedActivities | ModerateMembers | ViewCreatorMonetizationInsights | UseSoundboard | CreateGuildExpressions | CreateEvents | UseExternalSounds | SendVoiceMessages | UseClydeAi | SetVoiceChannelStatus | SendPolls
Indicates all permissions are granted.
[PermissionString("Create Instant Invites")] CreateInstantInvite = 1
Allows creation of instant channel invites.
[PermissionString("Kick Members")] KickMembers = 2
Allows kicking members.
[PermissionString("Ban Members")] BanMembers = 4
Allows banning and unbanning members.
[PermissionString("Administrator")] Administrator = 8
Enables full access on a given guild. This also overrides other permissions.
[PermissionString("Manage Channels")] ManageChannels = 16
Allows managing channels.
[PermissionString("Manage Guild")] ManageGuild = 32
Allows managing the guild.
[PermissionString("Add Reactions")] AddReactions = 64
Allows adding reactions to messages.
[PermissionString("View Audit Log")] ViewAuditLog = 128
Allows viewing audit log entries.
[PermissionString("Use Priority Speaker")] PrioritySpeaker = 256
Allows the use of priority speaker.
[PermissionString("Allow Stream")] Stream = 512
Allows the user to go live.
[PermissionString("Read Messages")] AccessChannels = 1024
Allows accessing text and voice channels. Disabling this permission hides channels.
[PermissionString("Send Messages")] SendMessages = 2048
Allows sending messages (does not allow sending messages in threads).
[PermissionString("Send TTS Messages")] SendTtsMessages = 4096
Allows sending text-to-speech messages.
[PermissionString("Manage Messages")] ManageMessages = 8192
Allows managing messages of other users.
[PermissionString("Use Embeds")] EmbedLinks = 16384
Allows embedding content in messages.
[PermissionString("Attach Files")] AttachFiles = 32768
Allows uploading files.
[PermissionString("Read Message History")] ReadMessageHistory = 65536
Allows reading message history.
[PermissionString("Mention Everyone")] MentionEveryone = 131072
Allows using @everyone and @here mentions.
[PermissionString("Use External Emojis")] UseExternalEmojis = 262144
Allows using emojis from external servers, such as twitch or nitro emojis.
[PermissionString("View Guild Insights")] ViewGuildInsights = 524288
Allows to view guild insights.
[PermissionString("Use Voice")] UseVoice = 1048576
Allows connecting to voice chat.
[PermissionString("Speak")] Speak = 2097152
Allows speaking in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Mute Voice Chat Members")] MuteMembers = 4194304
Allows muting other members in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Deafen Voice Chat Members")] DeafenMembers = 8388608
Allows deafening other members in voice chat.
[PermissionString("Move Voice Chat Members")] MoveMembers = 16777216
Allows moving voice chat members.
[PermissionString("Use Voice Activity Detection")] UseVoiceDetection = 33554432
Allows using voice activation in voice chat. Revoking this will usage of push-to-talk.
[PermissionString("Change Own Nickname")] ChangeNickname = 67108864
Allows changing of own nickname.
[PermissionString("Manage Nicknames")] ManageNicknames = 134217728
Allows managing nicknames of other members.
[PermissionString("Manage Roles")] ManageRoles = 268435456
Allows managing roles in a guild.
[PermissionString("Manage Webhooks")] ManageWebhooks = 536870912
Allows managing webhooks in a guild.
[PermissionString("Manage Guild Expressions")] ManageGuildExpressions = 1073741824
Allows managing guild emojis, stickers and soundboard sounds.
[PermissionString("Use Application Commands")] UseApplicationCommands = 2147483648
Allows the user to use slash commands.
[PermissionString("Request To Speak")] RequestToSpeak = 4294967296
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels.
[PermissionString("Manage Events")] ManageEvents = 8589934592
Allows managing guild events.
[PermissionString("Manage Threads")] ManageThreads = 17179869184
Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads.
[PermissionString("Create Public Threads")] CreatePublicThreads = 34359738368
Allows for creating threads.
[PermissionString("Create Private Threads")] CreatePrivateThreads = 68719476736
Allows for creating private threads.
[PermissionString("Use External Stickers")] UseExternalStickers = 137438953472
Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers.
[PermissionString("Send Messages In Threads")] SendMessagesInThreads = 274877906944
Allows for sending messages in threads.
[PermissionString("Start Embedded Activities")] StartEmbeddedActivities = 549755813888
Allows for launching activities (applications with the
flag) in a voice channel.[PermissionString("Moderate Members")] ModerateMembers = 1099511627776
Allows to perform limited moderation actions (timeout).
[PermissionString("View Creator Monetization Insights")] ViewCreatorMonetizationInsights = 2199023255552
Allows to view creator monetization insights.
[PermissionString("Use Soundboard")] UseSoundboard = 4398046511104
Allows to use soundboard sounds in voice channels.
[PermissionString("Create Guild Expressions")] CreateGuildExpressions = 8796093022208
Allows to create guild emojis, stickers and soundboard sounds.
[PermissionString("Create Events")] CreateEvents = 17592186044416
Allows to create guild events.
[PermissionString("Use External Sounds")] UseExternalSounds = 35184372088832
Allows the usage of custom soundboard sounds from other servers.
[PermissionString("Send Voice Messages")] SendVoiceMessages = 70368744177664
Allows members to send voice messages.
[PermissionString("Use Clyde AI")] [DiscordDeprecated("Clyde was shutdown in December 2023")] UseClydeAi = 140737488355328
Allows members to interact with the Clyde AI bot.
[PermissionString("Set Voice Channel Status")] SetVoiceChannelStatus = 281474976710656
Allows members to create and edit voice channel status.
[PermissionString("Send Polls")] SendPolls = 562949953421312
Allows members to send polls.
[PermissionString("Use External Apps")] UseExternalApps = 1125899906842624
Allows user-installed apps to send public responses. When disabled, users will still be allowed to use their apps but the responses will be ephemeral. This only applies to apps not also installed to the server.