Enum UserFlags
- Namespace
- Dis
Cat .EnumsSharp
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Represents additional details of a users account.
None = 0
The user has no flags.
Staff = 1
The user is a Discord employee.
Partner = 2
The user is a Discord partner.
HypeSquad = 4
The user has the HypeSquad badge.
BugHunterLevelOne = 8
The user reached the first bug hunter tier.
MfaSms = 16
The user has SMS recovery for 2FA enabled.
PremiumPromoDismissed = 32
The user is marked as dismissed Nitro promotion
HouseBravery = 64
The user is a member of house bravery.
HouseBrilliance = 128
The user is a member of house brilliance.
HouseBalance = 256
The user is a member of house balance.
PremiumEarlySupporter = 512
The user has the early supporter badge.
TeamPseudoUser = 1024
User is a Discord
Team .InternalApplication = 2048
User previously requested verification and/or partnership for a guild.
System = 4096
Whether the user is an official system user.
HasUnreadUrgentMessages = 8192
Whether the user has unread system messages.
BugHunterLevelTwo = 16384
The user reached the second bug hunter tier.
UnderageDeleted = 32768
The user has a pending deletion for being underage in DOB prompt.
VerifiedBot = 65536
The user is a verified application.
VerifiedDeveloper = 131072
The user is a verified bot developer.
CertifiedModerator = 262144
The user is a discord certified moderator.
BotHttpInteractions = 524288
The user is a bot and has set an interactions endpoint url.
Spammer = 1048576
The user is disabled for being a spammer.
DisablePremium = 2097152
Nitro is disabled for user. Used by discord staff instead of forcedNonPremium.
ActiveDeveloper = 4194304
User is an active developer. Read more here: https://support-dev.discord.com/hc/articles/10113997751447.
HighGlobalRateLimit = 8589934592
Account has a high global ratelimit.
Deleted = 17179869184
Account has been deleted.
DisabledSuspiciousActivity = 34359738368
Account has been disabled for suspicious activity.
SelfDeleted = 68719476736
Account was deleted by the user.
PremiumDiscriminator = 137438953472
The user has a premium discriminator.
UsedDesktopClient = 274877906944
The user has used the desktop client.
UsedWebClient = 549755813888
The user has used the web client.
UsedMobileClient = 1099511627776
The user has used the mobile client.
Disabled = 2199023255552
The user is currently temporarily or permanently disabled.
VerifiedEmail = 8796093022208
The user has a verified email.
Quarantined = 17592186044416
The user is currently quarantined. The user can't start new dms and join servers. The user has to appeal via https://dis.gd/appeal.
Collaborator = 1125899906842624
User is a collaborator and has staff permissions.
RestrictedCollaborator = 2251799813685248
User is a restricted collaborator and has staff permissions.