Table of Contents

Enum GuildFeaturesEnum


Represents the guild features.

public enum GuildFeaturesEnum


CanSetAnimatedIcon = 0

Guild has access to set an animated guild icon.

CanSetBanner = 1

Guild has access to set a guild banner image.

[DiscordDeprecated("Store applications are EOL.")] CanCreateStoreChannels = 2

Guild has access to use commerce features (i.e. create store channels)

HasCommunityEnabled = 3

Guild can enable Welcome Screen, Membership Screening, Stage Channels, News Channels and receives community updates. Furthermore the guild can apply as a partner and for the discovery (if the prerequisites are given). Stage and News is usable.

IsDiscoverable = 4

Guild is able to be discovered in the discovery.

IsFeatureable = 5

Guild is able to be featured in the discovery.

CanSetInviteSplash = 6

Guild has access to set an invite splash background.

HasMembershipScreeningEnabled = 7

Guild has enabled Membership Screening.

CanCreateNewsChannels = 8

Guild has access to create news channels. News is usable.

IsPartnered = 9

Guild is partnered.

CanUploadMoreEmojis = 10

Guild has increased custom emoji slots.

HasPreviewEnabled = 11

Guild can be previewed before joining via Membership Screening or the discovery.

CanSetVanityUrl = 12

Guild has access to set a vanity URL.

IsVerified = 13

Guild is verified.

CanAccessVipRegions = 14

Guild has access to set 384kbps bitrate in voice (previously VIP voice servers).

HasWelcomeScreenEnabled = 15

Guild has enabled the welcome screen.

HasTicketedEventsEnabled = 16

Guild has enabled ticketed events.

HasMonetizationEnabled = 17

Guild has enabled monetization.

CanUploadMoreStickers = 18

Guild has increased custom sticker slots.

[DiscordDeprecated("Auto archive duration isn't locked to boosts anymore.")] CanSetThreadArchiveDurationThreeDays = 19

Guild has access to the three day archive time for threads. Needs Premium Tier 1 (TierOne).

[DiscordDeprecated("Auto archive duration isn't locked to boosts anymore.")] CanSetThreadArchiveDurationSevenDays = 20

Guild has access to the seven day archive time for threads. Needs Premium Tier 2 (TierTwo).

[DiscordDeprecated("Private threads aren't bound to the server boost level anymore and can be used by everyone.")] CanCreatePrivateThreads = 21

Guild has access to create private threads. Needs Premium Tier 2 (TierTwo).

IsHub = 22

Guild is a hub. GuildDirectory is usable.

HasDirectoryEntry = 23

Guild is in a hub.

IsLinkedToHub = 24

Guild is linked to a hub.

HasThreadTestingEnabled = 25

Guild has full access to threads. Old Feature.

HasThreadsEnabled = 26

Guild has access to threads.

CanSetRoleIcons = 27

Guild can set role icons.

HasNewThreadPermissions = 28

Guild has the new thread permissions. Old Feature.

CanSetThreadDefaultAutoArchiveDuration = 29

Guild can set thread default auto archive duration. Old Feature.

HasRoleSubscriptionsEnabled = 30

Guild has enabled role subscriptions.

RoleSubscriptionsIsAvailableForPurchase = 31

Guild role subscriptions as purchaseable.

PremiumTierThreeOverride = 32

Guild has premium tier 3 override.

TextInVoiceEnabled = 33

Guild has access to text in voice. Restricted to IsStaffOnly.

CanSetAnimatedBanner = 34

Guild can set an animated banner. Needs Premium Tier 3 (TierThree).

[DiscordDeprecated("Feature was removed")] CanSetChannelBanner = 35

Guild can set an animated banner. Needs Premium Tier 3 (TierThree).

HasMemberProfiles = 36

Allows members to customize their avatar, banner and bio for that server.

IsStaffOnly = 37

Guild is restricted to users with the Staff badge.

CanSetupAutoModeration = 38

Guild can use and setup the experimental auto moderation feature.

GuildHomeTest = 39

Guild has access to home.

InvitesDisabled = 40

Guild has disabled invites.

ActivitiesAlpha = 41

Currently unknown.

ActivitiesEmployee = 42

Currently unknown.

ActivitiesInternalDev = 43

Currently unknown.

AutomodTriggerKeywordFilter = 44

Currently unknown.

AutomodTriggerMlSpamFilter = 45

Currently unknown.

AutomodTriggerSpamLinkFilterGuild = 46

Currently unknown.

AutomodDefaultList = 47

Currently unknown.

Bfg = 48

Currently unknown.

BoostingTiersExperimentMediumGuild = 49

Currently unknown.

BoostingTiersExperimentSmallGuild = 50

Currently unknown.

BotDeveloperEarlyAccess = 51

Guild has early access features for bot and library developers.

CreatorMonetizable = 52

Currently unknown.

CreatorMonetizableDisabled = 53

Currently unknown.

CreatorMonetizableProvisional = 54

Currently unknown.

CreatorMonetizableWhiteGlove = 55

Currently unknown.

CreatorMonetizationApplicationAllowlist = 56

Currently unknown.

DeveloperSupportServer = 57

Guild is set as a support server for an app in App Directory.

ExposedToActivitiesWtpExperiment = 58

Guild was previously in the 2021-11_activities_baseline_engagement_bundle experiment.

GuildCommunicationDisabledGuilds = 59

Guild had early access to the user timeouts.

DisableGuildCommunication = 60

Currently unknown.

GuildHomeOverride = 61

Guild has access to the Home feature.

GuildAutomodDefaultList = 62

Guild had early access to the Automod Default List.

GuildMemberVerificationExperiment = 63

Guild had early access to approving membership manually.

GuildRoleSubscriptionPurchaseFeedbackLoop = 64

Guilds was previously in the 2022-05_mobile_web_role_subscription_purchase_page experiment.

GuildRoleSubscriptionTrials = 65

Guild was previously in the 2022-01_guild_role_subscription_trials experiment.

HadEarlyActivitiesAccess = 66

Guild previously had access to voice channel activities and can bypass the boost level requirement.

IncreasedThreadLimit = 67

Allows the guild to have 1,000+ active threads.

MobileWebRoleSubscriptionPurchasePage = 68

Guild was previously in the 2022-05_mobile_web_role_subscription_purchase_page experiment.

RelayEnabled = 69

Shards connections to the guild to different nodes that relay information between each other.

RestrictSpamRiskGuilds = 70

Currently unknown.

RoleSubscriptionsAvailableForPurchase = 71

Allows guild's members to purchase role subscriptions.

ThreadsEnabledTesting = 72

Used by bot developers to test their bots with threads in guilds with 5 or less members and a bot.

VoiceChannelEffects = 73

Guild had early access to the voice channel effects.

Soundboard = 74

Guild had early access to the soundboard feature.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] Commerce = 75

Ability to create and use store channels.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] ExposedToBoostingTiersExperiment = 76

Currently unknown.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] PublicDisabled = 77

Deprecated in favor of Community.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] Public = 78

Deprecated in favor of Community.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] SevenDayThreadArchive = 79

The guild can use the seven-day archive time for threads.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] ThreeDayThreadArchive = 80

The guild can use the three-day archive time for threads.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] Featurable = 81

Previously used to control which servers were displayed under the "Featured" category in Discovery.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] ForceRelay = 82

Shards connections to the guild to different nodes that relay information between each other.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] Lurkable = 83

Currently unknown.

[DiscordDeprecated("This feature is depcreated")] MemberListDisabled = 84

Created for the Fortnite server blackout event on Oct 13, 2019, when viewing the member list it would show "There's nothing to see here.".

CanUseCreatorStorePage = 85
CanUseBurstReactions = 86
HadGuildOnBoardingEverEnabled = 87
[DiscordInExperiment] ChannelHighlightsDisabled = 88
[DiscordInExperiment] ChannelHighlights = 89
[DiscordInExperiment] CreatorMonetizableRestricted = 90
[DiscordUnreleased] VoiceInThreadsEnabled = 91
RaidAlertsEnabled = 92
UsesApplicationCommandsPermissionsV2 = 93