Table of Contents

Lavalink Guild Player Queue System

The Lavalink module provides a built-in queue system for managing audio tracks. The queue system allows you to add, remove, and manipulate tracks in a guild-specific queue.

Enabling the Queue System

The queue system is disabled by default, To use the queue system, you must enable it in your LavalinkConfiguration:

var config = new LavalinkConfiguration
    EnableBuiltInQueueSystem = true

Basic Queue Operations

Adding Tracks

You can add individual tracks or entire playlists to the queue:

// Add a single track

// Add all tracks from a playlist
    var loadResult = await guildPlayer.LoadTracksAsync(LavalinkSearchType.Youtube, query);
var playlist = loadResult.GetResultAs<LavalinkPlaylist>()

Playing the Queue

To start playing tracks from the queue:


The finished commands should look like so:

[SlashCommand("play", "Play a track")]
public async Task PlayAsync(InteractionContext ctx, [Option("query", "The query to search for")] string query)
    await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource);
    if (ctx.Member.VoiceState == null || ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel == null)
        await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("You are not in a voice channel."));

    var lavalink = ctx.Client.GetLavalink();
    var guildPlayer = lavalink.GetGuildPlayer(ctx.Guild);

    if (guildPlayer == null)
        await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent("Lavalink is not connected."));

    var loadResult = await guildPlayer.LoadTracksAsync(LavalinkSearchType.Youtube, query);

    if (loadResult.LoadType == LavalinkLoadResultType.Empty || loadResult.LoadType == LavalinkLoadResultType.Error)
        await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent($"Track search failed for {query}."));

    LavalinkTrack track = loadResult.LoadType switch
        LavalinkLoadResultType.Track => loadResult.GetResultAs<LavalinkTrack>(),
        LavalinkLoadResultType.Playlist => loadResult.GetResultAs<LavalinkPlaylist>().Tracks.First(),
        LavalinkLoadResultType.Search => loadResult.GetResultAs<List<LavalinkTrack>>().First(),
        _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected load result type.")

    if (guildPlayer.CurrentTrack == null)
        await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent($"Now playing {query}!"));
        await ctx.EditResponseAsync(new DiscordWebhookBuilder().WithContent($"Track added to queue {track.Info.Title}!"));

Skipping the Current Track

To skip the currently playing track, you can use the SkipAsync method of the LavalinkGuildPlayer class. This method will skip the current track. If the queue system is enabled and there are more tracks in the queue, the next track will automatically start playing.

await guildPlayer.SkipAsync();

Managing the Queue

The queue system provides several other methods for managing tracks:

// See list queue

// Remove a specific track

// Remove a track by its title/identifier
guildPlayer.RemoveQueue("song title");

// Clear all tracks from the queue

// Shuffle the queue

// Reverse the queue order


Queue Entry Pipeline

The Lavalink queue system includes a powerful pipeline system that allows you to execute custom actions before and after track playback. This is implemented through the IQueueEntry interface.

Queue Entry Lifecycle

Each track in the queue goes through the following pipeline stages:

  1. Before Playing: Called right before a track starts playing
  2. Track Playback: The actual track playback
  3. After Playing: Called after track playback completes

Creating Custom Queue Entries

To create a custom queue entry, implement the IQueueEntry interface:

public class CustomQueueEntry : IQueueEntry
    public LavalinkTrack Track { get; set; }

    public async Task<bool> BeforePlayingAsync(LavalinkGuildPlayer player)
        // Execute code before the track plays
        // Return false to skip this track
        return true;

    public async Task AfterPlayingAsync(LavalinkGuildPlayer player)
        // Execute code after the track finishes playing

Configuring Custom Queue Entries

To use custom queue entries, configure them in your LavalinkConfiguration:

var config = new LavalinkConfiguration
    EnableBuiltInQueueSystem = true,
    QueueEntryFactory = () => new CustomQueueEntry()


 services.AddTransient<IQueueEntry, CustomQueueEntry>();

var config = new LavalinkConfiguration
    EnableBuiltInQueueSystem = true,
    QueueEntryFactory = () => scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IQueueEntry>

In case you use dependency injection in CustomQueueEntry

Pipeline Flow Control

  • The BeforePlayingAsync method can control whether a track should be played by returning true or false
  • The AfterPlayingAsync method is called after the track finishes, allowing for cleanup or next-track preparation
  • Both methods have access to the LavalinkGuildPlayer instance for advanced control

Example usage of flow control:

public async Task<bool> BeforePlayingAsync(LavalinkGuildPlayer player)
    if (/* some condition */)
        // Skip this track
        return false;

    // Play this track
    await player.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Track Started: {Track.Info.Title}");
    return true;