Class LavalinkGuildPlayer
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.Lavalink
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.Lavalink.dll
Represents a guild player based on a LavalinkPlayer.
public sealed class LavalinkGuildPlayer
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Channel
Gets the current channel this player is in.
- ChannelId
Gets the current channel id.
- CurrentTrack
Gets the current track.
- CurrentUsers
Gets a list of current user in the Channel.
- Discord
Gets the discord client.
- Guild
Gets the guild this player is attached to.
- GuildId
Gets the current guild id.
- IsConnected
Gets whether this player is currently connected.
- Ping
Gets the current ping.
- Player
Gets the lavalink player.
- Queue
Gets the queue.
- Session
Gets the session this player is attached to.
- TrackPosition
Gets the current track position.
- AddToQueue(LavalinkPlaylist)
Adds all tracks from a Lavalink playlist to the queue.
- AddToQueue(LavalinkTrack)
Adds a Lavalink track to the queue.
- AddToQueueAt(int, LavalinkTrack)
Inserts a track at the specified index in the queue.
- AddToQueueAt(int, IEnumerable<LavalinkTrack>)
Inserts a range of tracks at the specified index in the queue.
- ClearQueue()
Clears all tracks from the queue.
- DecodeTrackAsync(string)
Decodes an encoded LavalinkTrack.
Might not work with some pre 4.0 tracks.
- DecodeTracksAsync(IEnumerable<string>)
Decodes encoded LavalinkTracks.
Might not work with pre 4.0 tracks.
- DisconnectAsync()
Disconnect the guild player from the channel.
- GetLyricsAsync(bool)
Gets the lyrics for the currently playing track.
- LoadTracksAsync(LavalinkSearchType, string)
Loads tracks by
. Returns a dynamic object you have to parse with (Type)Result.
- LoadTracksAsync(string)
Loads tracks by
. Returns a dynamic object you have to parse with (Type)Result.
- PauseAsync()
Pauses the player.
- PlayAsync(LavalinkTrack)
Plays a track.
- PlayAsync(string)
Plays a song by its identifier.
- PlayDirectUrlAsync(string)
Directly plays a song by url.
- PlayEncodedAsync(string)
Plays a song by its encoded track string.
- PlayPartialAsync(LavalinkTrack, TimeSpan, TimeSpan)
Plays a track partially with a start and end-time.
- PlayPartialAsync(string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan)
Plays a song partially by its identifier with a start and end-time.
- PlayPartialEncodedAsync(string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan)
Plays a song by its encoded track string with a start and end-time.
- PlayQueue()
Starts playing the next track in the queue.
- RemoveFromQueue(LavalinkTrack)
Removes the specified track from the queue.
- RemoveFromQueue(string)
Removes the track with the specified title (identifier) from the queue.
- RemoveFromQueueAt(int)
Removes the track at the specified index from the queue.
- RemoveFromQueueAtRange(int, int)
Removes a range of tracks from the queue.
- ResumeAsync()
Resumes the player.
- ReverseQueue()
Reverses the order of the tracks in the queue.
- SeekAsync(int)
Seeks the player to the position in
- SeekAsync(TimeSpan)
Seeks the player to the position.
- SetRepeatMode(RepeatMode)
Sets the repeat mode for the queue.
- SetVolumeAsync(int)
Modifies the volume of the player.
- ShuffleQueue()
Shuffles the tracks in the queue.
- SkipAsync()
Skips the current track.
- StopAsync()
Stops the player.
- SwitchChannelAsync(DiscordChannel, bool)
Switches the player to a new channel.
- TryPeekQueue(out LavalinkTrack?)
Attempts to retrieve the next track in the queue without removing it.
- StateUpdated
Triggers when a player state updated.
- TrackEnded
Triggers when a track ended.
- TrackException
Triggers when a track throws an exception.
- TrackStarted
Triggers when a track started.
- TrackStuck
Triggers when a track gets stuck.