Table of Contents

Do you have nightly builds?

We offer nightly builds for DisCatSharp. They contain bugfixes and new features before the official NuGet releases, however they are not guaranteed to be stable, or work at all. Open the NuGet interface for your project, check Prerelease.

Then just select Latest prerelease version of DisCatSharp packages, and install them.

You might need to restart Visual Studio for changes to take effect.

If you find any problems in the nightly versions of the packages, please follow the instructions in Reporting issues article.

But I'm running GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, or BSD!

If you're running on a non-Windows OS, you'll have to get your hands dirty. Prepare your text editor and file browser.

Run dotnet restore, it should be able to restore the packages without problems.

Do you have direct builds from the main branch?

Yes we do!

To use them, follow these instructions:

# Register Registry
dotnet nuget add source -n discatsharp-git-releases -u bytesafe -p 01HJ80HC4S65ADXD4H5SANV23E --store-password-in-clear-text

# Restore from registry
dotnet restore -s discatsharp-git-releases -f --no-cache

# Disable Registry
dotnet nuget remove source discatsharp-git-releases

These releases are considered to not be stable at all. Use them with care.

And before you ask, the token is public 😉 We created a read-only account just for this registry.


To get the correct version, look at git, copy the target commit hash and select the corresponding version with {version}-{hash} As example: DisCatSharp: 10.5.0-97ac8e24f400b6053da7e6e4b3dea338eaf1bdef The easiest way to do this is to install any version and modify the .csproj file afterwards.