Table of Contents

I broke something, and I need it fixed!

We always try to fix bugs, and make sure that when we release the next version of DisCatSharp, everything is polished and working. However, DisCatSharp is a large codebase, and we can't always catch all the bugs, or notice all the regressions that happen while we fix bugs or implement new issues.

Issue tracker

If you find a bug, come up with a new idea, or just want to report something, you have multiple ways to do so.

Discord Guild. Issue Tracker.

When reporting an issue, make sure to include as much detail as possible. If at all possible, please include:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • What were you trying to achieve
  • Expected/actual result
  • Stack traces, exception types, messages
  • Attempted solutions


Lastly, while we understand that not everyone is an expert programmer, we would appreciate it if you could fix any issues you find and submit a Pull Request on GitHub. This would reduce the amount of work we would have to do.

When contributing, ensure your code matches the style of the rest of the library, and that you test the changes you make, and catch any possible regressions.