Class DiscordMessage
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.Entities
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Represents a Discord text message.
public class DiscordMessage : SnowflakeObject, IEquatable<DiscordMessage>
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Inherited Members
- Activity
Gets the message activity in the Rich Presence embed.
- Application
Gets the message application in the Rich Presence embed.
- ApplicationId
Gets the message application id in the Rich Presence embed.
- Attachments
Gets files attached to this message.
- Author
Gets the user or member that sent the message.
- Channel
Gets the channel in which the message was sent.
- ChannelId
Gets the ID of the channel in which the message was sent.
- ChannelType
Gets the type of the Channel this message was send in.
- Components
Gets the components this message was sent with.
- Content
Gets the message's content.
- EditedTimestamp
Gets the message's edit timestamp. Will be null if the message was not edited.
- Embeds
Gets embeds attached to this message.
- EnforceNonce
Gets whether the Nonce is enforced to be validated.
- Flags
Gets the bitwise flags for this message.
- Guild
Gets the guild to which this channel belongs.
- GuildId
Gets the guild id.
- HasMessageReference
Gets whether this message has a message reference (reply, announcement, etc.).
- HasMessageSnapshots
Gets whether this message has forwarded messages.
- HasPoll
Gets whether this message has a poll.
- Interaction
Gets whether the message is a response to an interaction.
- InteractionMetadata
Gets the interaction metadata if the message is a response to an interaction.
- IsEdited
Gets whether this message was edited.
- IsTts
Gets whether the message is a text-to-speech message.
- JumpLink
Gets the jump link to this message.
- MentionEveryone
Gets whether the message mentions everyone.
- MentionedChannels
Gets channels mentioned by this message.
- MentionedRoles
Gets roles mentioned by this message.
- MentionedUsers
Gets users or members mentioned by this message.
- MessageSnapshots
Gets the message snapshots.
- MessageType
Gets the type of the message.
- Nonce
Gets the nonce sent with the message, if the message was sent by the client.
- Pinned
Gets whether the message is pinned.
- Poll
Gets the poll of the message if one was attached.
- Position
Currently unknown.
- Reactions
Gets reactions used on this message.
- Reference
Gets the message reference.
- ReferencedMessage
Gets the message object for the referenced message
- Resolved
Gets the Discord snowflake objects resolved from this message's auto-populated select menus.
- SoundboardSounds
Gets the soundboard sounds send with this message, if applicable.
- Stickers
Gets stickers for this message.
- Thread
Gets the thread that was started from this message.
If you're looking to get the actual thread channel this message was send in, call Channel and convert it to a DiscordThreadChannel.
- Timestamp
Gets the message's creation timestamp.
- WebhookId
Gets the id of the webhook that generated this message.
- WebhookMessage
Gets whether the message originated from a webhook.
- ClearAttachmentsAsync()
Clears all attachments from the message.
- CreateReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji)
Creates a reaction to this message.
- CreateThreadAsync(string, ThreadAutoArchiveDuration, int?, string?)
Creates a thread. Depending on the ChannelType of the parent channel it's either a PublicThread or a NewsThread.
- DeleteAllReactionsAsync(string)
Deletes all reactions for this message.
- DeleteAsync(string)
Deletes the message.
- DeleteOwnReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji)
Deletes your own reaction
- DeleteReactionAsync(DiscordEmoji, DiscordUser, string)
Deletes another user's reaction.
- DeleteReactionsEmojiAsync(DiscordEmoji)
Deletes all reactions of a specific reaction for this message.
- EndPollAsync()
Ends the poll on this message.
Works only for own polls and if they are not expired yet.
- Equals(DiscordMessage)
Checks whether this DiscordMessage is equal to another DiscordMessage.
- Equals(object)
Checks whether this DiscordMessage is equal to another object.
- ForwardMessageAsync(DiscordChannel, string?)
Forwards this message to another channel.
- GetHashCode()
Gets the hash code for this DiscordMessage.
- GetReactionsAsync(DiscordEmoji, int, ulong?)
Gets users that reacted with this emoji.
- ModifyAsync(DiscordMessageBuilder)
Edits the message.
- ModifyAsync(Optional<DiscordEmbed>)
Edits the message.
- ModifyAsync(Optional<string>)
Edits the message.
- ModifyAsync(Optional<string>, Optional<DiscordEmbed>)
Edits the message.
- ModifyAsync(Optional<string>, Optional<IEnumerable<DiscordEmbed>>)
Edits the message.
- ModifyAsync(Action<DiscordMessageBuilder>)
Edits the message.
- ModifySuppressionAsync(bool)
Edits the message embed suppression.
- PinAsync()
Pins the message in its channel.
- RespondAsync(DiscordEmbed)
Responds to the message. This produces a reply.
- RespondAsync(DiscordMessageBuilder)
Responds to the message. This produces a reply.
- RespondAsync(Action<DiscordMessageBuilder>)
Responds to the message. This produces a reply.
- RespondAsync(string)
Responds to the message. This produces a reply.
- RespondAsync(string, DiscordEmbed)
Responds to the message. This produces a reply.
- ToString()
Returns a string representation of this message.
- UnpinAsync()
Unpins the message in its channel.
- operator ==(DiscordMessage, DiscordMessage)
Gets whether the two DiscordMessage objects are equal.
- operator !=(DiscordMessage, DiscordMessage)
Gets whether the two DiscordMessage objects are not equal.