Class BaseContext
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands.Context
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands.dll
Represents a base context for application command contexts.
public class BaseContext : DisCatSharpCommandContext
- Inheritance
- Derived
- Inherited Members
- AppPermissions
Gets the applications permissions.
- ApplicationCommandsExtension
Gets the application command module this interaction was created in.
- Channel
Gets the channel this interaction was executed in.
- EntitlementSkuIds
Gets the entitlement sku ids.
This is related to premium subscriptions for bots.
Can only be used if you have an associated application subscription sku.
- Entitlements
Gets the entitlements.
This is related to premium subscriptions for bots.
Can only be used if you have an associated application subscription sku.
- FullCommandName
Gets the full command string, including the subcommand.
- Guild
Gets the guild this interaction was executed in.
- GuildLocale
Gets the guild locale if applicable.
- Interaction
Gets the interaction that was created.
- InteractionId
Gets the id for this interaction.
- Locale
Gets the invoking user locale.
- Member
Gets the member which executed this interaction, or null if the command is in a DM.
- Services
Gets the service provider.
This allows passing data around without resorting to static members.
Defaults to an empty service provider.
- Token
Gets the token for this interaction.
- Type
Gets the type of this interaction.
- User
Gets the user which executed this interaction.
- CreateInteractionIframeResponseAsync(string, string, IframeModalSize, string?)
Creates an iframe response to this interaction.
- CreateModalResponseAsync(DiscordInteractionModalBuilder)
Creates a modal response to this interaction.
- CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType, DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder?)
Creates a response to this interaction.
You must create a response within 3 seconds of this interaction being executed; if the command has the potential to take more than 3 seconds, create a DeferredChannelMessageWithSource at the start, and edit the response later.
- DeleteFollowupAsync(ulong)
Deletes a followup message.
- DeleteResponseAsync()
Deletes the interaction response.
- EditFollowupAsync(ulong, DiscordWebhookBuilder)
Edits a followup message.
- EditFollowupAsync(ulong, string)
Edits a followup message.
- EditResponseAsync(DiscordWebhookBuilder)
Edits the interaction response.
- EditResponseAsync(string)
Edits the interaction response.
- FollowUpAsync(DiscordFollowupMessageBuilder)
Creates a follow up message to the interaction.
- FollowUpAsync(string)
Creates a follow up message to the interaction.
- GetFollowupMessageAsync(ulong)
Gets the followup message.
- GetOriginalResponseAsync()
Gets the original interaction response.