Table of Contents

Translation Reference


DisCatSharp uses JSON to inject the translations of Application Commands.

Command Object

Key Value Description
name string name of the application command
description? string description of the application command
type int type of application command, used to map command types, not valid for options
name_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command name
description_translations? array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command description, only valid for slash commands
options array of Option Objects array of option objects containing translations

Application Command Type

Type Value
Slash Command 1
User Context Menu Command 2
Message Context Menu Command 3

Command Group Object

Key Value Description
name string name of the application command group
description string description of the application command group
type int type of application command, used to map command types, not valid for options
name_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command group name
description_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command group description
commands array of Command Objects array of command objects containing translations
groups array of Sub Command Group Objects array of sub command group objects containing translations

Sub Command Group Object

Key Value Description
name string name of the application command sub group
description string description of the application command sub group
name_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command sub group name
description_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command sub group description
commands array of Command Objects array of command objects containing translations

Option Object

Key Value Description
name string name of the application command option
description string description of the application command group
name_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command option name
description_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command option description
choices array of Option Choice Objects array of option choice objects containing translations

Option Choice Object

Key Value Description
name string name of the application command option choice
name_translations array of Translation KVPs array of translation key-value-pairs for the application command option choice name

Translation KVP

A translation object is a key-value-pair of "locale": "value".

Example Translation Array:

	"en-US": "Hello",
	"de": "Hallo"

Valid Locales

Locale Language
id Indonesian
da Danish
de German
en-GB English, UK
en-US English, US
es-ES Spanish
es-419 Spanish, Latin America
fr French
hr Croatian
it Italian
lt Lithuanian
hu Hungarian
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt-BR Portuguese, Brazilian
ro Romanian, Romania
fi Finnish
sv-SE Swedish
vi Vietnamese
tr Turkish
cs Czech
el Greek
bg Bulgarian
ru Russian
uk Ukrainian
hi Hindi
th Thai
zh-CN Chinese, China
ja Japanese
zh-TW Chinese, Taiwan
ko Korean