Class DiscordConfiguration
- Namespace
- DisCatSharp
- Assembly
- DisCatSharp.dll
Represents configuration for DiscordClient and DiscordShardedClient.
public sealed class DiscordConfiguration
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- DiscordConfiguration()
Creates a new configuration with default values.
- DiscordConfiguration(DiscordConfiguration)
Creates a clone of another discord configuration.
- DiscordConfiguration(IServiceProvider)
Utilized via dependency injection pipeline.
- ActivityHandlerType
If HasActivitiesEnabled is true, determines which handler type we use..
Defaults to DiscordLaunchActivity.
- AlwaysCacheMembers
Sets whether the client should attempt to cache members if exclusively using unprivileged intents.
This will only take effect if there are no GuildMembers or GuildPresences intents specified. Otherwise, this will always be overwritten to true.
Defaults to true.
- ApiChannel
Which api channel to use.
Defaults to Stable.
- ApiVersion
Overwrites the api version. Defaults to 10.
- AttachRecentLogEntries
Whether to attach recent log entris.
Defaults to false.
- AttachUserInfo
Whether to attach the bots username and id to sentry reports.
This helps us to pinpoint problems.
Defaults to false.
- AutoFetchApplicationEmojis
Defines that the client should attempt to fetch application emojis on startup.
Defaults to false.
- AutoFetchSkuIds
Whether to autofetch the sku ids.
Mutually exclusive to SkuId.
- AutoReconnect
Sets whether to automatically reconnect in case a connection is lost.
Defaults to true.
- AutoRefreshChannelCache
Refresh full guild channel cache.
Defaults to false.
- DeveloperUserId
Your discord user id we can reach out when your bot encounters library bugs.
Will only be transmitted if AttachUserInfo is true.
Defaults to null.
- DisableUpdateCheck
Whether to disable the update check.
- EnableDiscordIdScrubber
Whether to replace every discord-based id with
.Defaults to false.
- EnablePayloadReceivedEvent
Causes the PayloadReceived event to be fired.
Useful if you want to work with raw events.
Defaults to false.
- EnableSentry
Whether to enable sentry.
This helps us to track missing data and library bugs better.
Defaults to false.
Please refer to the docs for more information.
- FeedbackEmail
Your email address we can reach out when your bot encounters library bugs.
Will only be transmitted if AttachUserInfo is true.
Defaults to null.
- GatewayCompressionLevel
Sets the level of compression for WebSocket traffic.
Disabling this option will increase the amount of traffic sent via WebSocket. Setting Payload will enable compression for READY and GUILD_CREATE payloads. Setting Stream will enable compression for the entire WebSocket stream, drastically reducing amount of traffic.
Defaults to Stream.
- HasActivitiesEnabled
Whether this app uses activities.
Defaults to false.
- HttpTimeout
Sets the timeout for HTTP requests.
Set to InfiniteTimeSpan to disable timeouts.
Defaults to 20 seconds.
- IncludePrereleaseInUpdateCheck
Whether to include prerelease versions in the update check.
- Intents
Sets the gateway intents for this client.
If set, the client will only receive events that they specify with intents.
Defaults to AllUnprivileged.
- LargeThreshold
Sets the member count threshold at which guilds are considered large.
Defaults to 250.
- Locale
Sets your preferred API language. See DiscordLocales for valid locales.
- LogTimestampFormat
Allows you to overwrite the time format used by the internal debug logger.
Only applicable when LoggerFactory is set left at default value. Defaults to ISO 8601-like format.
- LoggerFactory
Sets the logger implementation to use.
To create your own logger, implement the ILoggerFactory instance.
Defaults to built-in implementation.
- MessageCacheSize
Sets the size of the global message cache.
Setting this to 0 will disable message caching entirely.
Defaults to 1024.
- MinimumLogLevel
Sets the minimum logging level for messages.
Defaults to Information.
- MobileStatus
Sets if the bot's status should show the mobile icon.
Defaults to false.
- ReconnectIndefinitely
Defines that the client should attempt to reconnect indefinitely.
This is typically a very bad idea to set to
, as it will swallow all connection errors.Defaults to false.
- ReportMissingFields
Whether to report missing fields for discord object.
Useful for library development.
Defaults to false.
- ServiceProvider
Sets the service provider.
This allows passing data around without resorting to static members.
Defaults to an empty service provider.
- ShardCount
Sets the total number of shards the bot is on. If not sharding, this value should be left with a default value of 1.
If sharding automatically, this value will indicate how many shards to boot. If left default for automatic sharding, the client will determine the shard count automatically.
- ShardId
Sets the ID of the shard to connect to.
If not sharding, or sharding automatically, this value should be left with the default value of 0.
- ShowReleaseNotesInUpdateCheck
Whether to show release notes in the update check.
Defaults to false.
- SkuId
The applications sku id for premium apps.
Mutually exclusive to AutoFetchSkuIds.
- Timezone
Sets your timezone.
- Token
Sets the token used to identify the client.
- UdpClientFactory
Sets the factory method used to create instances of UDP clients.
Use DisCatSharp.Net.Udp.DcsUdpClient.CreateNew() and equivalents on other implementations to switch out client implementations.
Defaults to DisCatSharp.Net.Udp.DcsUdpClient.CreateNew().
- UpdateCheckGitHubToken
Sets the GitHub token to use for the update check.
Only useful if extensions are private and UpdateCheckMode is GitHub.
- UpdateCheckMode
Against which channel to check for updates.
Defaults to NuGet.
- UseRelativeRatelimit
Sets whether to rely on Discord for NTP (Network Time Protocol) synchronization with the "X-Ratelimit-Reset-After" header.
If the system clock is unsynced, setting this to true will ensure ratelimits are synced with Discord and reduce the risk of hitting one.
This should only be set to false if the system clock is synced with NTP.
Defaults to true.
- WebSocketClientFactory
Sets the factory method used to create instances of WebSocket clients.
Use CreateNew(IWebProxy, IServiceProvider) and equivalents on other implementations to switch out client implementations.
Defaults to CreateNew(IWebProxy, IServiceProvider).